Writing the perfect essay
An Good Topics Related To American History Research Paper To 1877
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Statistics COMPREHENSIVE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Insights COMPREHENSIVE - Essay Example Along these lines ostensible information where properties can be positioned however the separation between positions has no importance. c. span information in this degree of estimation the separation between positions has an importance, information can be positioned and simultaneously the separation has significance, for instance temperature information is stretch information where temperature contrast has meaning. The normal and middle determined has a significance yet proportion computations have no importance where one can't express that 100 degrees Celsius is twice 50 degrees Celsius. d. proportion in proportion level of estimation without a doubt the zero worth has a significance, all measurable computation of focal propensities and scattering are important, for instance information containing number of clients that visit a retail shop, the worth zero has meaning and the proportion figurings additionally has meaning where it very well may be expressed that 20 clients is twice 10 clients. The mean, mode and middle are for the most part proportions of focal inclinations of information; the mean is controlled by including all the qualities in an informational index and afterward separating the quantity of perceptions. In the model the estimation of the mean will 27/8 = 3.375 The Median is the center estimation of an arranged informational index for odd perceptions or the mean estimation of the center two factors for even perceptions. In the model the middle will be 3 +4 = 7, at that point 7/2 = 3.5, in this manner middle = 3.5 Favorable position: The middle isn't influenced by
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Living a Faith
Carrying on with a Faith-Filled Life Essay Experiencing childhood in a congregation going family, confidence had a significant impact in lives. Confidence, to me, is to comprehend and believe that everything will work out for my great. There is no set definition for it. It is distinctive for each individual. It originates from the heart and from the solace and feeling it leaves you with. Having confidence in yourself, a choice youve made, or in someone else not to leave you down can alone frightening, yet it can likewise leave you will an unexplainable harmony. Trusting and having confidence completely that nothing can happen that confidence in God cannot fix is the most quieting sentiments. Confidence is consistently there with me before I hit the good and bad times. My confidence in God has guided me to precisely where I should be. Without confidence in myself, it is practically difficult to accept that one can make it anyplace in their life. Regardless of whether it is to make the evaluation one needs on a test or whether to accept a vocation open door, confidence is there. Presently obviously, my confidence is in God. Not every person puts stock in God. It is still similarly essential to have confidence in oneself. All things considered, it is the physical body that needs to proceed with the activities. Having certainty to finish on an activity can make confidence develop. Some of the time things can happen to test our confidence in ourselves. There have been times when I believed that there is no reason for confiding in confidence in light of the fact that so much has happened to hurt me that confidence and trust hasnt gotten me anyplace up until now. It wasnt until I thought back on the â€Å"me†that I was growing up, the â€Å"me†in secondary school/early school or even the â€Å"me†from a half year prior. Things happen to transform us and rock our reality. They improve us either or for the more awful. We have the control to how it influences us. We can either run from it or gain from it and let it make us more grounded. We can figure out how to have more grounded love, more grounded trust in individuals, and inside and out more grounded confidence. I’ve discovered that the more I experience, the more grounded I get and the more that I learn, the more confidence I have in myself and in God. Among us, everything without exception should be possible. Confidence can be the premonition one has before they kiss a young lady just because or bluff plunging and realizing that youre going to return up for air. Confidence is getting up each day and living. This world is a brutal world some of the time. Getting up and beginning the day can be out and out alarming. One never comprehends what could occur yet that is the place confidence steps in. Confidence is the thing that adjust our feelings of dread and tells us that everything will turn out the manner in which it is intended to be. Without confidence, life would be difficult to live. Losing confidence in oneself, confidence in your companions, family, life, occupations, God, and so on must be debilitating. Confidence can be a make it or break it angle to have throughout everyday life. Indeed, even through the tough situations, it’s in every case best to have confidence to realize that everything will work out for the better Faith’s accomplice is reason. Confidence can direct thinking to settle on the correct choice that is ideal. Thinking is the point of view that takes one from where they are to where they need to be. It encourages them at all times with the specialized challenges. It is the point of view of professional/con records, dynamic, and making sense of precisely what might be best for what's to come. At the point when one hits a spot in life when they don’t know precisely what to do, with the assistance of confidence and thinking, one can proceed onward from the battle realizing that they learned, they comprehend what to do straightaway, and they have confidence to direct them. With an arrangement close by, it is difficult to be crushed however things dont consistently go as arranged. .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f , .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .postImageUrl , .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f , .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f:hover , .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f:visited , .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f:active { border:0!important; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f:active , .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f:hover { haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf5ff d04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf5ffd04d634b801dd7929a28c5cb5e8f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: A Visit To The Boston Museum Of Fine Arts EssaySometimes, it rains upon the arrival of the open air wedding. Oh no! Thinking can disclose to one that since one thing turns out badly, doesnt mean it’s over. There ought to consistently be a reinforcement plan. On the off chance that one tunes in, thinking is as a rule there from the beginning. It appears to be anything but difficult to live spontaneously. Composing a paper, accomplishing class work, or any task a minute ago without arranging can be somewhat of a fiasco. With thinking and arranging out, working out a diagram, doing schoolwork right on time, there is no pressure. Gaining from botches factors into your thinking for whenever you have an undertaking or paper due. On the off chance that we figure out how to yield to common sense from the earliest starting point, we will likely discover it is to profit us not to hurt us. At the point when we were all in kindergarten, our educators would ask us what we needed to be the point at which we grew up. I needed to be a space traveler one day and a minister the following. Each and every other day I concocted an alternate situation of my life. What work I would have, who my significant other would be, what she would resemble, what number of children would I have, where might I live, what vehicle would I drive, would I own a pontoon, would I have a lake house, would I be a NBA star, and so on. The entirety of that is creative mind. As youngsters, our creative mind goes crazy with thoughts regarding games to engage ourselves and our entire life would be arranged out when break was finished. We were thought to dream and utilize our minds from our first day of school. That’s where everything begins. In the long run, something needs to stick. We remain by that picture that kid us thought of years back and we go for it. We become space explorers, ministers, popular artists, specialists, and legal counselors. We carry on with the existence that is encircled by our youth creative mind. We longed for ourselves being effective and the greater part of us pursue that our entire lives to be such. We dont understand that despite the fact that our creative mind, unfortunately may have been lost with our youth, it despite everything influences our current life. A portion of the fortunate ones recognize what they need to be from the very beginning. They grow up and breeze through school, battle through clinical school and become a specialist. A few of us despite everything have no clue. We have such a large number of thoughts that we can’t choose which way to take. The individuals who are sufficiently fortunate to utilize their creative mind in their grown-up lives are the makers of fervor. They engage us with motion pictures, innovation, books, workmanship, sonnets, exciting rides, and so forth. To additionally clarify, I dont accept that one trumps the other. To make sense of the way in which we would be best and content with, we should utilize a fair compromise between every one of the three. The three resemble a friend network who help each other out. Without creative mind, life would be plain exhausting. Huge numbers of the extravagances, for example, quick propelling PDAs, that we appreciate each day would be no more. Fortunately for us, there are grown-ups who don’t lose their creative mind. Without confidence, our creative mind would not grow and become reality. In the event that Steve Jobs didnt have confidence in himself, he may have never had the certainty to really share his thoughts. He may never have grown up to be what his identity was intended to be. At the point when we have confidence in ourselves, there isnt much that can turn out badly that will break us. Without reason, our picture and confidence can't be finished. Association and arranging is significant pieces of thinking. Had Jobs not prepared and utilized thinking, the make and model of the iPhone could have ended up being a fiasco. He could have tried out his thought and the organization may have despised it. Fortunately Jobs had each of the three on his side. He realized that he needed to have confidence in himself, thinking to have a fruitful and popular item, and everything began from his creative mind. .u6d6d5685dd885ed0e0eb80fd7d7a98bd , .u6d6d5685dd885ed0e0eb80fd7d7a98bd .postImageUrl , .u6d6d5685dd885ed0e0eb80fd7d7a98bd .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u6d6d5685dd885ed0e0eb80fd7d7a98bd , .u6d6d5685dd885ed0e0eb80fd7d7a98bd:hover , .u6d6d5685dd885ed0e0eb80fd7d7a98bd:visited , .u6d6d5685dd88
Friday, August 14, 2020
You gotta have stuff
You gotta have stuff Im taking a break from my weekend of watching Lost episodes downloaded from iTunes and buying furniture for the new apartment to do a public service announcement on where to buy stuff for your future hypothetical dorm room. First, the website for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is here and Google Maps is here. Learn to love these websites. I spent a great deal of the summer before my freshman year at MIT on the internet figuring out where my favorite stores and restaurants were, and how best to get there via public transportation. Public transportation stuff Public transportation in Boston is not as great as it is in, say, Washington, DC, but its good enough for you the college student. MIT is served by the Kendall Square stop on the Red Line, which is at the northeast corner of campus; other close stops are Hynes/ICA (right across the Charles River), Central (very close to Random Hall), and BU Central (across the BU bridge from the far west end of campus). The #1 bus stops at 77 Massachusetts Avenue and goes to Harvard Square in one direction and across the river to Dudley Station in the other. As an MIT student, youre eligible to purchase a discounted monthly T pass. If you dont ride the subway enough for this to be worthwhile, you can just pay each time each subway ride is $1.25 and each bus ride is $0.90. Notice: The T subway map is artistically rendered and does not actually reflect cartographic reality in Boston. Once freshman year, I had gotten my hair cut near Downtown Crossing and thought Id walk to Faneuil Hall for dinner. The two stops appear to be in a straight line from each other on the T map, so I figured Id be fine. Yeah, not so much. I ended up getting lost in Boston by myself at night, which is not really a great idea for a girl, all things considered. (I mean, Boston is generally a safe city. But its still not a good idea to wander around by yourself at night.) General stuff Theres a Target within walking distance of Andrew Station on the Red Line. (Actually, Adam and I found this Target last summer when we got lost on the way to the zoo. I get lost a lot.) If theres anything you need for your dorm room, Im almost positive you can find it at Target. Theres also a Bed, Bath Beyond right next to the Fenway Station on the Green Line D Branch. (This is not, incidentally, where you would go if you wanted to see a Sox game youd go to Kenmore Station.) So far as I know, there isnt a Walmart conveniently serviced by the T. Mall stuff The closest mall to campus is the Cambridgeside Galleria. The Galleria is serviced by a free shuttle to and from the Kendall Square T stop, which comes every 20 minutes. I almost always take the shuttle, because Im lazy, but the mall is definitely within walking distance of campus and its no problem to walk there. The Galleria has all of the clothing stores that I personally require, because I could live quite happily if every clothing store on earth except American Eagle, Victorias Secret, and Abercrombie and Fitch closed down. But it also has important stuff like a Best Buy, a CVS, and a Kay Jewelers (*hint to my boyfriend*). Prudential Center and Copley Place (which is connected to the Pru through a walkway) are slighty higher-end malls. These are not really malls which have anything practical, so Im only mentioning them for frivolous girls like myself who like to shop at Sephora, Jasmine Sola, and FCUK. And for frivolous girls like myself who like to window-shop at Tiffany. You can get to them on the Green Line, or you could take the #1 bus across the bridge and walk. The Boston East Saferide services the Pru as well. Or you could, you know, just walk. There are also a lot of free-standing stores on Newbury Street and in the area around Harvard Square. Food stuff Star Market is right behind Random and is a general supermarket. Prices can be kind of high, but I think thats true of most chain supermarkets. If you go at night, Cambridge West Saferide (the evening campus shuttle) goes right past it you can catch the shuttle and not have to carry your groceries home. Theres another Star Market between the Prudential Center and Copley Place malls. Another thing if you plan to buy a lot of groceries, you can do one of several things: steal a shopping cart (hey, Im not advocating it, just saying people do it), buy a small shopping cart or share the purchase with friends (they sell them at Star for ~$25), or suck it up and carry your groceries all the way home. My favorite is option #2. Adams favorite is anything but option #3, because I always make him carry the heavy bags. Trader Joes is more of a niche supermarket they carry a lot of private-label foods and I suppose are geared more toward people who want to eat healthy food. Its surprisingly cheap, considering how good (in both the delicious sense and the healthy sense) the food is. I would recommend it to anybody. Theres one right across from Prudential Center as well as another up Memorial Drive (go as far west on campus as you can on Memorial Drive, then keep going west for about a mile). Haymarket is the farmers market in the city on weekend mornings. You can get great deals on fruit, vegetables, bread, and meat (ie 5 pounds of potatoes for $1 that sort of thing) however, you can also get stuck with bug-infested or moldy produce. Try to go to the stalls that let you pick your own selection, and keep an eye out for the signs of older/rotting food. (I adore Haymarket. But I am also one of those people who really, really likes vegetables.) Laverdes is the grocery store in the student center. They have most of the stuff the average student needs on a day-to-day basis (and they take TechCash), but I wouldnt advise buying all your groceries from them if you plan to cook. They have a very convenient location for most MIT students, and their prices reflect this. As far as convenience stores go, theres also a 7-11 in Tech Square and MacGregor Convenience on the first floor of MacGregor. If you like to order food (and really, what college student doesnt?), I would suggest checking out Campusfood.com. Questions 1. Anonymous asked, If I got a 5 on the English Language AP exam but I just know that I wont get a 5 on the Lit, do I still count as having passed the FEE? To which another anonymous commenter replied Anonymous, yes, passing either will place you out of FEE. From this link: Communication Requirement A score of 5 on either the Language and Composition or Literature and Composition test is considered equivalent to passing the Freshman Essay Evaluation (FEE). If you have passed the FEE , you are still required to take a communication-intensive subject your first year as part of the Communication Requirement. You do, however, have a wider range of communication-intensive subjects to choose from than students who have not demonstrated competency in the FEE. Scores lower than 5 on either examination are not considered equivalent to passing the FEE. The FEE, for those who dont know, is the Freshman Essay Evaluation. Its not a huge deal, but if you fail it youre required to take a certain writing-intensive humanities class first semester. Again, I will stress that its not a huge deal. So dont start worrying yet. But as Anonymous #2 pointed out, a score of 5 on either AP Language or AP Lit will get you out of the FEE. (I got a 5 on AP Lit, so Ive never taken the FEE. Woot.) 3. A third anonymous commenter asked, Even though you are graduating this year is there a remote possibility that you may be present during freshman or international orientation? Theres more than just a remote chance. :) Actually, as Im sure it will bowl you over with joy to know, Adam and I are moving to Westgate in three weeks. Westgate is also known as W85. So not only will I be here for Orientation, I will be living on the MIT campus all year! Hooray! Everybodys welcome to come by the apartment and chat. Ill probably have cookies.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Why Is It Important for External Auditors to Be...
Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors? By Zachariah Godfrey-Plews This essay has asked me to look at the importance of external auditors and why it is vital for them to remain independent. I will try and look at the many ways of the advantages of independent auditing from different perspectives for example the company itself, the general public and the state. I think it is important to first define what an audit and an external auditor to be able to answer this question effectively. Firstly an audit is (1)â€Å"an accounting procedure under which the financial records of a company or individual are closely inspected to make sure that they are accurate.†An†¦show more content†¦A independent review from an auditor of the companies accounts will have many benefits to the owner for example for example he/she will be satisfied of the workings of that particular department. This will mean that the owner will have confidence of where they should place their funds or research and development if they know for sure that there department†™s financial record are in order. This will then allow for the best method to allocate resources allowing for greater efficiency and overall the company to be profitable in the future. Also allowing for the report to be independent the report of the auditor will be true and fair in all respects. An independent auditor will also help keep staff of that company in check because of the fear that in the near future the accounts are to be examined and action would be taken against them if any irregular actions have been caused to happen. Thus the independent audit prevents this from starting in the first place and helps keep the staff in a moral check. A report by an independent auditor can also help in the process of borrowing money. As the report will have been done by an independent auditor it then becomes very easy for example a bank to trust this and therefore becomes very easy for them to issue a loan without time or delay. Also it may enable the firm to achieve a better rate than otherwise expected because they may be seen as a less risky investment. This can obviouslyShow MoreRelatedWhy is it important for the external auditor to be independent?1495 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Why is it important for external auditor to be independent? Throughout the years, banks, shareholders, possible investors and creditors always relied on the financial statements produced by a company. Since the management of a company is producing these documents it has been assumed that the managers may act dishonestly so that their performance looks better. To monitor the company’s performance better the directors along with the shareholders employ external auditors to check all these financialRead MoreWhy Is It Important for External Auditors to Be Independent? Relate Your Answer to the Primary Role of External Auditors. Give Examples of Specific Ways the Lack of Auditor Independence May Impact Adversely on an Audit.1648 Words  | 7 Pagesand Finance Lent Term: Individual Coursework Essay Topic: Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors. Give examples of specific ways the lack of auditor independence may impact adversely on an audit. In 2001, there was an event that had shaken the whole business world. The crash of Enron in US, followed by worldwide collapse of its auditor, Arthur Andersen. It was a greatest corporate failure uncoveredRead MoreWhy Is It Important for External Auditors to Be Independent? Relate Your Answer to the Primary Role of External Auditors. Give Examples of Specific Ways the Lack of Auditor Independence May Impact Adversely on an Audit.1638 Words  | 7 PagesTerm: Individual Coursework Essay Topic: Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors. Give examples of specific ways the lack of auditor independence may impact adversely on an audit. In 2001, there was an event that had shaken the whole business world. The crash of Enron in US, followed by worldwide collapse of its auditor, Arthur Andersen. It was a greatest corporate failureRead MoreThe Importance Of Auditor Independence On An Audit1473 Words  | 6 Pages Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors. Give examples of specific ways the lack of auditor independence may impact adversely on an audit. Auditing is one of the most essential processes that has to be executed in the business world. It involves independent testing on the documents of a business to establish the financial statements are prepared without any material misstatements and maintained as the law requiresRead MoreImportance of External Auditors1110 Words  | 5 Pagesaim of this essay is to study the function of external auditors in order to analyze why it is important to be independent. The primary mission of external auditors is to review and evaluate all the financial records of a company or corporation. They provide an objective opinion on the organization’s financial statement and effectiveness of the accounting polices in order to help management to make decisions. If the independence of the external auditors is impaired, the public will doubt the qualityRead MoreIndependence of External Auditor1203 Words  | 5 PagesIndependence of external auditor By:- shubham kanchhal Auditor independence refers to the independence of the auditor from parties that may have a financial interest in business being audited. Independence requires integrity and an objective approach for the audit process. This concept requires the auditor to carry his work freely and in an objective manner. The purpose of an audit to enhance the credibilityRead MoreThe Impact Of External Auditors On The Financial Position Of The Company1422 Words  | 6 Pages INTRODUCTION External auditors are accountants who work independently of a particular company employed by a firm to inspect their financial statements by analysing the performance of the company and presenting an audit’s report. They plays an important role to enhance the user’s confidence, including shareholder and creditor with an expert, independent opinion whether the annual records of the company are prepared according to accounting standards of the entity, such as Generally AcceptedRead MoreAuditing: Understanding the Auditors Report1536 Words  | 7 PagesAS1 1-30: It has been stated that auditors must be independent because audited financial statements must serve the needs of a wide variety of users. If the auditor were to favor one group, such as existing shareholders, there might be a bias against another group, such as prospective investors. a. What steps has the external auditing profession taken to minimize potential bias toward important users and thereby encourage auditor independence? ---The external auditing profession as a whole has becameRead MoreEthics And The International Professional Practices Framework1501 Words  | 7 Pagesrole of an auditor and their importance in the work force and what attracts me to the job and why I am interested in PwC and what I hope to gain from the scheme. What is Audit/Auditor? The Business Dictionary defines audit as â€Å"A systematic examination and verification of a firm’s books of account, transaction records, other relevant documents, and physical inspection of inventory by qualified accountants†. Auditors can be split into two different divisions, internal auditors and external auditorsRead MoreEssay about External Auditors Must be Independent1154 Words  | 5 Pagescrash of Enron in US, followed by the worldwide collapse of its auditor, Arthur Andersen became one the most popular accounting scandal where it is still being talked about even after a decade has passed. Following this scandal, other massive organizations like WorldCom (2002), AIG (2004), and Satyam Computer Services (2009) shared the same fate. Since then, there have been questions being asked on the issue of the independence of auditors being one of the major contributors to these accounting scandals Why Is It Important for External Auditors to Be... Name: Nguyen Thi Hong My Library card number: 33237972 Word count: 1304 words AcF 100 Introduction to Accounting and Finance Lent Term: Individual Coursework Essay Topic: Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors. Give examples of specific ways the lack of auditor independence may impact adversely on an audit. In 2001, there was an event that had shaken the whole business world. The crash of Enron in US, followed by worldwide collapse of its auditor, Arthur Andersen. It was a greatest corporate failure uncovered in business history. Follow the Enron-Andersen scandal, massive organizations like WorldCom,†¦show more content†¦Improvements in reliability of corporate revelation minimize the threat that an investor or a creditor will make poor decision if the information which is provided to them is inaccurate. The threat that is mentioned above is the information risk, that is present everytime creditors or investors use information to assess economic risk of any potential investments. The better the quality of the information, the better chances these users making the right decisions. It means the information risk is lower (Elliott and Jacobson, 1998). Moreover, when investors and creditors make preferable decisions on capital allocation for their self-interest, capital flows more freely to the most fruitful business entities, increasing economic growth, jobs and standard of living. Those are considered as social benefits from effective capital markets and, hence, social benefits of auditings contribution to effective capital markets (Elliott and Jacobson, 1998). In spite of this, the costs of audit independence incurred by the company directly (for example, monitoring adherence to independence policies and the cost of review of independence quality control during peer review). Some are incurred by regulators and profession as a whole (for instance, the cost of developing SEC or ISB independence requirements, and others by the clients (such as forgone the scale and scope ofShow MoreRelatedWhy Is It Important for External Auditors to Be Independent? 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Should Marijuana Be Legal Essay - 965 Words
Should Marijuana Be Legal? In order to start a discussion about whether marijuana should be legal, we must first begin with the history of marijuana. How long has marijuana been around? The earliest recorded use of marijuana is from the island of Taiwan off the coast of mainland china over 10,000 years ago in the Stone Age (Marijuana, 2014). They wove their clothes and made their shoes from hemp. The first paper was made from a combination of crushed hemp fibers and mulberry tree bark. This fact would later lead to the illegalization of marijuana, for reasons to be explained later. Around the first century B.C.E., marijuana is mentioned in the Materia Medica, a kind of herbal medical manual. In Japan, hemp fiber was highly regarded among the Japanese and used for Japanese clothes, bedding, mats and nets. Hemp fiber is mentioned many times in Japanese legends, and also in ceremonial purification rites. The ancient world abounds with tales of the use of cannabis by numerous cultures in many countries, a mong the ancient Rome. The Romans had their own version of the Materia Medica for the Western world. Again mentioned among its pages is cannabis. The use of cannabis, also known as hemp, spread throughout the Middle East and also spread to the New World. In 1619 farmers in Jamestown Virginia colony were required to grow hemp. In 1840 medicines with cannabis were available in United States pharmacies. Even George Washington grew hemp (42, 2014). Marijuana hasShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legal?1609 Words  | 7 PagesMs. Fingarson English 11 March 9th, 2017 Junior Research Paper: Marijuana Should Be Legal. According to world recognized American Scientist Carl Sagan â€Å"the illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insights , sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world†. These are just some of the benefits of Marijuana along with many others. All you have been taught about cannabis inRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1060 Words  | 5 PagesMedical Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United Sstates (Wagner).. Marijuana is commonly used becauseThis it is because marijuana is easy to get and doesn’t have the visibly dangerous effects that other drugs like cocaine and heroine have. However,But does that mean marijuana is harmless to the human body? There are some people and studies that believe it is harmlessso. Sanjay Gupta, MD, Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN, wrote the following: â€Å"Frequent marijuana useRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?986 Words  | 4 Pages smoking pot in California, is legal. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, California became the fifth state to legalize the recreational use of pot. By a margin of about 56% to 44%, voters passed Proposition 64. With its passing, California is now among states like Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska who have also legalized marijuana. â€Å"Marijuana could become quite the cash crop†said Richard McGowan, a professor at Boston College and expert in the field of marijuana legalization. While many peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1230 Words  | 5 PagesCannabis Can The marijuana movement is more prevalent now than ever. Just recently, two other states have joined Colorado and Washington in the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana. On the other hand, the state of Florida did not pass the bill to approve medical marijuana. Although more and more states have begun to see the benefits in legalizing marijuana, many states maintain the view that smoking marijuana is criminal despite the many advantages it poses. Marijuana offers medical andRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?997 Words  | 4 Pagesof the topics; write a thesis statement and complete the introduction 1. Marijuana should be legal, because it is harmless, and it is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases. - Marijuana should be legal due to its variety of health benefits - Marijuana is an effective medicine for many kinds of diseases - Marijuana legalization would help boost the economy Thesis Statement: Why shouldn’t marijuana be legal due to its variety of health benefits, its effectiveness for combating manyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?864 Words  | 4 PagesCannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine. Marijuana smoking remains the most prevalent form of illicit drug use in the United States and has even been legalized medicinally in twenty-four states. Four of these states, including Colorado and Washington, have legalized marijuana for recreational use. This means that it is treated like a controlled substance, like alcohol or tobacco, and anyone theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1630 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana has been a hot topic of conversation over the last few years, as some states in America have legalized it medically and recreationally. By discussing the legal aspect of marijuana, the economic benefits, medical usage and how marij uana affects the family, we can see the positive and negative impact that marijuana has on sociology. Except for a few select states, marijuana usage, sale and distribution of marijuana is in some manner illegal. As a result, there is immense legal considerationsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1610 Words  | 7 PagesSince the very first day marijuana began dominating our country over 30 years ago, federal control of the drug has been the topic of an continuing arguments. Marijuana is a crushed up blend of dried out herbs, seeds and stems of the plant cannabis. Most people inhale it in the shape of cigarettes for pleasure and relief. Should marijuana be made legal? Advocates of the drug argue that there are multiple medical advantages and that tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful for us than the drug itselfRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1261 Words  | 6 PagesMarijuana is safer than tobacco and alcohol, more beneficial and healthier too. Marijuana, unlike tobacco and alcohol, never causes serious illnesses like cancers of the lungs, throat, and mouth, cirrhos is, dementia, or anything else. In actuality, medical marijuana is used to treat cancer cells. â€Å"The earliest use of cannabis as a medicine is attributed to the legendary Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, who is thought to have lived around 2700 BC.. Cannabis sativa is thought to have been grown for at leastRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1269 Words  | 6 Pagesspecific effects of marijuana on pregnancy women because women who use marijuana also tend to smoke cigarettes and are more likely to use other drugs such as cocaine and alcohol. Thus, it is difficult to identify the precise effects of marijuana on pregnant women and fetus (Leemaqz, 2016.). Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United State (Murray McKinney, 2014). According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 40-60% of marijuana users continue to use
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
True Purpose of Art in Podg Free Essays
The True Purpose of Art Oscar Wilde was a very shrewd intellectual who through the teachings of Walter Pater and John Ruskin became a strong supporter of the aesthetics movement. This movement was one which wanted to shy society away from the fact that art had a purpose. They wanted simply to have art for art’s sake. We will write a custom essay sample on True Purpose of Art in Podg or any similar topic only for you Order Now In essence what this means is that art’s only true purpose is beauty and there are no underlying symbols, meanings, or derivations of art it is simply art. Oscar Wilde attempts to promote his beliefs about aestheticism in the book â€Å"Picture of Dorian Gray†through his use the character Basil Hallward, the picture of Dorian Gray, and the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde uses Basil Hallward , specifically his perception of a perfect artist to support his argument that the purpose of art is to be beautiful. From the beginning of the book we can see that Basil has a strong tie to his artwork. In the first chapter when he goes to visit Lord Henry and shows him the portrait of Dorian he tells Lord Henry that he will not exhibit his work because there is too much of the artist in the painting. This scenario leads Dorian to explain to Lord Henry what the an artist’s role truly is â€Å"An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them. We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography. We have lost the abstract sense of beauty. Someday I will show the world what it is; and for that reason the world shall never see my portrait of Dorian Gray. (30) What basil is saying in this quote is that society has lost the true essence of art and that the true purpose of an artist is to create something of beauty. That is why he will not show his portrait of Dorian to the world because he feels as if the portrait is not just beautiful it has a deeper meaning which relays not only beauty but some deeper em otion. Also the simple sentence structure in this quote also helps relay the fact that an artist’s job is to do the most basic job create something beautiful without it being complex. Wilde also explicitly uses the preface to help support promote the idea that art’s true goal is beauty. He does so by using a very bold quote â€Å"All art is quite useless†. What Oscar Wilde meant by this quote was that art is useless because it attempts to portray an emotion. It does not instruct or command but instead it just sits there waiting to illicit a temporary response from the viewer. In doing so art becomes a sort of temporary tattoo. In that it is short lived and even though it may be beautiful it will eventually be lost in the haze. Now by using the picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde attempts to show us what happens when art is given a purpose. In Chapter 7 Dorian first comes to realize that the portrait is aging while he does not and his response is â€Å"He had uttered a mad wish that he himself might remain young and the portrait grow old; that his own beauty might be untarnished, and the face on the canvas bear the burden of his passions and his sins; that the painted image might be seared with the lines of suffering and thought, and that he might keep all the delicate bloom and loveliness of his then just conscious boyhood. Surely his wish had not been fulfilled? Such things were impossible. It seemed monstrous even to think of them. And yet there was the picture before him, with the touch of cruelty in the mouth†(144). This quote proves that in fact the painting did have a purpose. That purpose being to show the dark change in Dorian as he ages. But why would Wilde go against his own beliefs? He did so to prove a point and that point being that only wrong can come from giving art purpose. The portrait ends up causing the death of Dorian and Basil , the original artist. As Dorian commits more and more sins the picture becomes more and more grotesque until finally it is so hideous that even Dorian cannot stand the sight of the picture. In the beginning of the book however Dorian adored the portrait. This goes to show that when art is given a purpose the art becomes ugly. This is Oscar Wilde’s view means that it is no longer art because the primary function of art is to be beautiful. So if an art is considered ugly than It is no longer art. So therefore whenever art is given a purpose that piece of art is then no longer considered art. Another way Wilde attempts to establish his views on the role of art and the artist is through the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian Gray. In their relationship Lord Henry is the sculptor and Dorian is his piece of art. After his discussion with his uncle Lord Henry makes it his goal to influence Dorian in his own manner. But similarly with Basil and his portrait this piece of art also has a purpose and the purpose was to change the identity of the art work in order to satisfy Lord Henry’s pleasure of tainting another into his thought process. As you can well imagine this led the art to turn â€Å"ugly†. Ugly in the sense that Dorian became corrupted and evil. He committed the worst of sins and in the beginning what started off as the purest form of art became the most vile piece of art. So again when the purpose shifted from being beautiful to having a different purpose the art , or Dorian, becomes ugly and it is no longer in fact art. This is just another example which supports the fact that art can only be art if its purpose it to be beautiful. A recurring theme in this novel was the purpose of art and Oscar Wilde gives his opinion on this matter through the character Basil Hallward, the picture of Dorian Gray, and the relationship between Lord Henry and Dorian. Oscar Wilde understands the value of art and he believes that art is in fact only art when it has no other purpose but to be beautiful. He believes that when a piece of art is given purpose it corrupts the art and it can turn the artwork into some disfigured picture of reality. Oscar Wilde believes that today people have attempted to expand the boundaries of art and he believes that in doing so people lost the beauty in art. He says that art is only meant to inspire and if any other emotions or thoughts arise then that art is ultimately useless. How to cite True Purpose of Art in Podg, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises. Answer: Introduction Every business has strategic management objectives and decisions based on which the company formulates the policies. Human resource department in business organisations work closely aligned with the strategic management decisions taken by the company. The performance of the employees of an organisation depends on a number of factors, first and foremost is the rate and the level of job satisfaction that the employees have. The process of performance management begins with the recruitment of an employee and stops at the point when he or she leaves the organisation (Van Dooren et al. 2015). In this literature review, project scope and project objectives are identified. A comparative literature review is conducted to analyse performance management from the perspectives of the different author. A strive is made to show the relationship between performance management and organisational success. The gap in existing literature is given to show that the literature review may not be able to co ver all aspects of the chosen topic. Lastly, the conclusion is provided by the literature review. The aim of the study is to show the impact of performance management of the organisation on the organisational success. The research objectives of the study are: To identify the stages of performance management within organisations To explore the reasons behind taking performance management within organisations To highlight the impact of performance management on organisational success To evaluate the strategies of performance management that can accelerate the organisational success The performance management is an important part of the strategic management decisions of the company are managed by the Human Resource department. The project scope is depended on various directions, firstly, this literature review section focuses on secondary data analysis and emphasis is made to show the theoretical perspectives of the performance management and organisational success. Secondly, this project also covers the application of the performance management on the organisations and the existing literature gap has been produced. This project does not set its limit to any geographical region, the research findings will be applicable in any regions. Concept of Performance Management within organisations Ann and David (2013), stated that Performance Management is the process by which an organisation keeps a record of the performance of the employees in order to achieve the objectives of the organisation. On the other hand, De Waal (2013), state that Performance Management also helps and supports the employees to improve their skills and in the long run develop their career options in the company. As it is both integrated and strategic approach it strives towards organizations objectives by enhancing the performance and improving the skills of teams and individuals. Some of the functions of the approach, in brief, are joint goal setting, constant progress monitoring and consistent communication and review, regular activity feedback etc (Ann and David 2013). The commitment of the employees towards the organisation etc. management the performance of the people ensure that they are constantly motivated and also realize their potential and use their skills and abilities in the right place in order to optimize the skills in order to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Goal setting theory of performance management helps in developing the action plan within an organisation to guide the managers and employees towards personal development. As opined by Kerney (2018), a positive correlation can be found between improved business results and goal setting as goal setting theory encompasses aspects of making organisations with efficacy and efficiency. Goal setting theory has five elements; clarity refers the measurable and clear goal that can be gained within specific time and challenge refers to achieve the goals set by the organisations for the employees (Kontoghiorghes 2016). Commitment makes the organisations and individuals to provide the deliberate efforts to meet the goals and feedback provides ideas and information of the employees regarding the progress. In addition, task complexity helps to achieve the goals lying down the process steps by steps. Stages of performance management and roles of management Organisational success is not just depended on the right strategy and resources; it is also depended upon the managers critical role to deliver the performance. Managers within an organisation need to deliver the performance and they can get the result best possible performance management. As stated by Ahmed et al. (2016), effective performance management can enable the employees to recognise the objectives of the organisation and it identifies team outputs and individual to contribute towards the organisational objectives. Management within an organisation tries to focus on aligning the individual employees in day-to-day actions that are related to the strategic business objectives (Gerrish 2016). The managers try to document the individual performance in order to support the compensation and the managers also try to establish the focus for skill development. The management identifies the need of performance management and the management also creates the documentation for the legal purposes in order to support the decisions, it also helps to reduce the disputes (Arnaboldi et al. 2015). The management within an organisation wants the performance management should embrace the performance improvement, development and managing behaviour. Performance management should possess the skills and knowledge that they need to perform to the required standards. Manager's performance management starts with planning as, without the skilled managers, the process of performance management cannot be done properly. The beginning of the performance management must include the organisation's determination to move forward. The management should start with realistic objectives and the management develops the strategic plan to carry out the ideas. The management must include the clear vision to proceed with the path. As stated by DeNisi and Smith (2014), the management needs to continue with the efforts and it is very significant to monitor the progress of the performance management. Managers need to focus on the achieved results and team dynamics that can affect the work environment. The next stage is about reviewing and evaluating the performance management. In this stage, the management reviews the accomplishment of the employees and the achievement of the new employees for the current position and the future jobs of the management (Mone and London 2018). The management shows the employee performance and reviews this with previous year's performance. The last year or last quarter's performance of the employees are reviewed by the employees and their future work standards and goals are set in the performance management process. Performance management is the benchmark of the employees to understand employees' employment, rewards and compensation. Impact of performance management on employees The performance of the employees gained importance with the popularity of the Total quality management approach. In order to improve the entire operation of the business organisations, have the opportunity of implementing TQM in their process. Motivation among the employees is heavily impacted by performance management as they are properly guided and have a clear idea of what they can achieve and what is their position. HR department organizes provisions for a training program for skill development. Based on the performance of the employees the company makes the provision of appraisals, incentives and bonus. Performance indicators help the employees to organize the work schedule by utilizing the strengths to overcome the weakness (Certo 2018). It also provides the managers or the leaders t understand the capabilities of the subordinates, which they can use as a guide to support them to achieve the objectives of the organisation (Bach 2013). On the other hand, De Waal (2013), suggest that with the help of performance management the company can strategically work towards achieving the objectives as the process also describes the performance objectives as well. Therefore, it can be said that planning and organisation plays an important role in performance management. The performance management process sets the business objectives and mission, the managers provide the employees with duty and responsibility in order to meet the mission and objectives. The managers can maximise the performance through focussing on the challenges and realistic objectives and aims. The performance management of the organisation sets the individual target of the employees (Johnson 2016). Cserhati and Szabo (2014) supported this by saying the performance management can control the overall business goal and individuals mechanism could enable the performance of the employees to meet the mission statement. Reviewing the performance of the employees enables the managers to have the feedback and this process helps to increase the communication between employees and managers. Managers can set the target for the employees to perform within the desired time frame. As argued by Omotyao (2015), performance management can improve the internal communication within the organisation and employees tended to prefer the mediated communication. Clear communication from the management perspective can help to improve the operation process, operational and strategic issue of the organisation. Lastly, performance management process sets the reward system of the employees and rewards and recognition bring out the best possible motivation for the employees. Bolden (2016) pointed out that motivation brings out the best performance of the employees and the system of motivation can be utilised to pursue to meet the goal of the organisation. Performance management and motivation The job roles of the employees define what is expected from the employees within a workplace and employees behaviour and competencies are depended on that role. The management needs to make sure about the responsibilities, job skills and qualities that can define the success of the employees including the competencies (Mir and Piington 2014). Organisations get the immediate performance reviews and the continuous process of performance management helps the employees to be motivated throughout. The advantages of the performance management are the recognition of the employees contribution to the business and team that can lead to the higher levels of discretionary efforts and engagement. In addition, as stated by Budworth et al. (2015), performance management provides clear visibility and understanding what is required for the employees and it provides quality time between employee and manager. During the feedback of performance management process, the employees share their views regard ing the job-satisfaction, team-working, need for money and achievement. Performance management brings motivation to the employees as the process of performance management provides rewards and recognition. Providing motivation is the responsibility of the managers and performance management process encourages the motivation as managers believe about employee strength (Mellahi et al. 2016). It inquires the employees about their desires and it teaches the employees to measure own success. The performance management process brings motivation from both extrinsic and intrinsic aspects as this process provides regular employee respect. Effects of performance management on organisational success Performance management process is helpful to create the collective understanding of the accomplishment of the employees. Performance approach is helpful to supervise the people to reach success. The performance management process assists the supervisors and managers to give the feedback to the employees and it sets the clear direction to the employees. The rewards and compensation are given to the employees over the period of time when the needs of extrinsic motivation is given to the employees. The managers understand the training needs of the employees and performance management provides managers the opportunity to keep the tracking of the performance and set the performance expectations of the employees. As stated by Siegfried et al. (2018), performance management system is important for the management as it is consistent for the business operation. The objectives of the organisation are needed to fulfil through the performance management and the managers try to bridge the gap thr ough defining the performance objectives of the employees. According to Mir and Pinnigton (2014), management always communicates the objectives to the employees and employees work together to clarify the performance standards. In addition, organisational success can be gained through employee engagement and motivation. Both these factors can be achieved through the performance management as the performance management is accountable to track the goals of the employees. The management runs and judges the performance of the employees through clear communication and purpose. The management communicates the tasks and employees start putting their efforts on this. On the other side, as argued by Bolden (2016), the management discover ways to improve the process of performance management where the employees perform their mark. Moreover, as stated by Omotayo (2015), organisational success can be achieved through the sound managers and inspirational leaders who can perform right process of performance management. Performance management is the process of setting the right track for the employees that can ensure the sustainable results and executing the strategies towards organisational success. Success of the organisation can be measured through achieving the goals and mission of the organisation. Achieving the success has some major steps that the organisation needs to take. The first step of achieving the success is to set the clear goals from the management ends and the management needs to define the plans that can fit the organisational strategies. The management of the organisation identifies the plan of performance management and the managers need to have clear understanding towards the communication of the reviews. The management and leaders need to communicate the review of work progress. The work progress process helps the managers to keep the track of the employees whether the employees are doing well. In addition, as opined by Budworth et al. (2015), external factors sometimes impact on the organisation; therefore, th e role of the management is not to let external factors shift the roles to impact on organisational success. Gap in literature The existing literature based on the performance management and organisational success mainly focuses on the motivation of the employees and the managers role in order to set the criteria for the performance management. Organisational success process is described from the wider perspective. The existing literature showed the relationship between performance management with the success of the organisation. The managers must ensure that they must follow any company's existing procedures as it would be easy to get procedural fairness. The managers should be trained to ensure the consistency of dealing with performance and conduct the issues across the business. The managers should not treat the employees with sane as some of the employees get the rewards and recognition. The gap is established in the section of establishing the relationship between performance management and success of the organisation. The second research gap is the lack of theoretical perspective of the success of the organisation and the organisational examples to show the performance management and the organisational success cannot be found. Conclusion The research aims to highlight the relationship between performance management of the employees with organisational success. Performance management process ensures the workplace policies that are directly tied to the employees employment contract. The employees job roles are mentioned in the contract papers and the management needs to make the performance management system that shows the employee motivation and employee engagement both are needed to gain the organisational success. It ensures the policies and contracts that can manage the personal experience of the employees. The managers need to address the issues in two things about the employees can leave if their own accord and the employees and step up to exceed the standard. 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